Could you tell me a time you felt love?
I grew up in a society that conditioned me to believe I would fall “in love” when a charming prince rolled out of nowhere with a bouquet of flowers for me. I waited and waited for this fairytale like man to walk into my life. Little did I know that the love that I always looked for within a romantic relationship was always available to me, within me. The day I started to understand the concept of self love, my whole life changed and after months of working on it, one day it happened. I woke up and I was in this place, in this place where not only was I at peace with every single one of my flaws, but I had learn to love them for they made me the woman I had become. I hugged myself, comprehending that I was the only person who could truly see the real beauty and worth of the battle scars within me. I started to enjoy my own presence, and as selfish as it may sound, my happiness and peace became my priority. And as I continued spending time with myself, learning things about me I didn’t know before, not only did the love for myself grew, but so did my love for life.