Could you tell me a time you felt fear?
The word fear is often associated and thought of with negative connotations. I guess in the last year the feeling of fear has hit me in many ways, admittedly negative, but also in a more positive way, a way that has made me feel scared, but determined at the same time.
Throughout my life I have been faced with fear: fear of losing, fear of trying too hard and failing, fear of my own thoughts and ambitions and even a fear of something that may not ever happen to me. But the fear of the unknown in your own life has to be one of the most significant and for me the largest and newest emotion I have felt in the last year. Whilst entering the last year of my university experience at this stage of my life, I came across large challenges, some that I knew eventually I would get through, but many I had no idea what the impact or the outcome of such actions would be. I was aware that I had so many decisions to make in the near future, the fear of the unknown and not knowing what will happen if I choose a certain pathway of life hits you hard, not only is it constantly on your mind: as you are weighing up such choices and consequences of choosing a certain route to take, but also you know that ultimately the ownership is on you and only you for making such decisions. Throughout the year I have tried to weigh up and think and really try and engage with how and what I want my life to be like, and as a 22-year-old female that is hard. Once you reach adulthood the expectation of you being brave and fearless really is a myth, if anything, when you become an adult that is when you really start to experience consequential fear. When making the decisions I have made (and I am still yet to make more) I have decided that going with the moment and what you feel at that precise moment deters the fear that you may be feeling and simply makes you feel like it is a small decision you are making that day. The fear of the unknown will never leave, it will also never get easier as I get older and ultimately have to make even more decisions and regulate consequences. At the beginning I stated that not all moments where I have felt fear this year have been negative, in fact many things I have feared have turned out to be some of the most amazing things I have experienced this year. Fear is not to be feared; fear is to be negotiated with: for example, whatever you are scared of now, will you still be scared of that in a month, year or even two years’ time? The fear of the unknown has definitely developed me into a stronger minded individual, not only that but I have learnt that the fear of the unknown is normal, positive, natural and healthy.