Could you tell me a time you found perspective?
In recent years I’ve always heard about Mental Health, never fully understood it, never been involved with it first hand or with any of my friends. However, this summer was all set to be a great summer, full of opportunity in my sport, full of potential success. But, the start of the season started poorly. As the games came by thick and fast at the start of the season, the pressure grew, performances weren’t there and my mind began to wonder, thoughts began to meander through my head. I had put myself in a situation where my head space wasn’t helping me improve the situation. All of a sudden, I got in the car and was about to drive to another match, another game where the pressure I was putting on myself was too much. I got in the car, and started the engine but remembered that I had forgotten something and dashed back into the house, as I opened the door my parents were there looking at me and wondering why I was back, I grabbed my hat that I had left and looked up at them again to say goodbye for the second time before I headed off. As I went to say goodbye, what happened next was a blessing in disguise. Tears. Tears from the pressure I had put on myself. The sport that I had loved for so long had brought me to tears. It was like the pressure had mounted up, and become overwhelming and as I cried and was comforted by my parents that pressure was released. I started playing this sport because I loved it and over the past month I’d stopped loving it. This moment with my parents really put things into perspective, the thoughts that went through my head during that time were crippling to me and my sport. More recently, things have improved. I’ve had a greater outlook on things from this moment onwards. Enjoying each match and playing for the reasons I started which has led to better performances. Albeit only a small story in the world of mental health, this summer has given a greater appreciation for the people we share this planet with, and we must create an environment where people feel they can open up and speak out. I believe that Mental Health issues are so much more common than people believe. I’ve have joined an initiative called SportingMinds UK who have been formed to create mental health awareness among young people in Sport. I feel it is important we provide the opportunity and support for people to speak out.