Could you tell me a time you felt love?

Okay, well I was scared and anxious all throughout my pregnancy. I had all sorts of problems and scares, one after the other and spent nine months feeling a constant dread that something was wrong. I didn't know what, but I just convinced myself that something was wrong.  The emergency C-section didn't help when the baby was born and afterwards, it was almost like it had happened to someone else.  I had to stay in the hospital for a few days and I would look over in the crib and I would think, yeah that's a nice baby, but he could have been anybody's. I didn't feel like he was mine and there was certainly none of that mother/child connection which I thought would be there automatically. I certainly didn't do any doting, I remember even sitting reading a book, which I thought was a bit odd at the time. Anyway, day four was discharge day and I remember a nurse.....I think it was a nurse, or it could have been a health visitor came to collect the baby.  Because all babies have to have this heel prick test before they leave the hospital. So I just handed him over and I waited and I was sitting there waiting....I remember it being really sunny. I remember the sun coming into the room, the sun landing on me and I suddenly realised that the lady who had taken the baby didn't have a nurses uniform on. I remember thinking it was okay because maybe she was a health visitor and then the more I thought about it the more I thought maybe she wasn't either.  Maybe she was a stranger and had stolen my baby. So I got myself in a complete tizz and I was running up and down the corridor looking for this women and looking for the baby. I got myself more and more panicked, then I think I saw her walking down the corridor towards me and I ran up to her and I grabbed my baby back. My baby who was completely red in the face, screaming like a banshee and so cross because he had had his heel pricked. It's hard to explain, but something inside me shifted. I literally hated the doctor who had hurt my baby with this tiny needle in his tiny little heel and I could have actually stabbed the doctor with something a lot bigger than a needle.  I just felt so protective, this wave of protective emotion and love I suppose, just swept over me.  It's hard to explain, its almost visceral it comes from somewhere inside you, near your stomach. It's hard to describe.  I don't think a mother's love is any different from a father's love. Although, I think the love that you feel for your child is very different from that which you feel for a partner, friend or parent.  It's different, and all I can say is that it's been there since day four, it's never left and it never will.           
