Could you tell me a time you felt hopeful?

So, hopeful from my understanding is about looking towards things in the future, the future tense and looking forward to something. But, when you ask me that question I don't think there has ever been a specific time in my life where I have generally been hopeful about anything in particular. There are always these little worries and doubts about anything that I do and anything that is happening. I get bogged down in a lot of the "what if" scenarios, such as what if this happens, or what if that happens. I think its these scenarios which really get in the way of truly feeling optimistic about anything. I'm too busy being realistic, or at least always sort of planning for the worst case. I think there is always this kind of damage limitation mindset I suppose, which overshadows the hopeful or optimistic view. Although obviously I do have hopes about things. I don't often think about the future but when I do, I like to think that I will find a freedom from the negative headspace, allowing myself to be the person I want to be, have more inner confidence and more ability in my own judgment. I'm just hopeful to find a freedom from my own doubts.     
