Could you tell me a time you felt euphoria?
My euphoria is found, when the sun is putting his hat on or tucking himself back into bed. When there is no one else out on the roads or tracks and I am out for a long run or ride. It’s just me and the world. That’s where I find my euphoria.
My euphoria is found in that zone, where you have warmed up and you’re just in it. Getting stuck into that cadence, step by step, pedal stroke by pedal stroke. Its just you and the road, the fields, your bike or your trainers. You’re in the rhythm. Your mind clears because there is nothing else to distract you but your technique. Your focus is going where your energy is flowing and you find peace in movement. That’s my euphoria.
Everyone has their own, they all look different, sound different and could be hiding right round the corner. You’ll know when you find it, smiling endlessly into the wind, book, sweat or study. It could be in your weekly 5-a-side game with your old school mates or a cold dip in the sea. Some people have found there’s and are letting it rest, others are still searching. Go and find your euphoria. Don’t let it sleep!
I spoke those words into my voice note recorder on my iPhone, 60km into a sunny training ride in Oxfordshire. Feeling unbelievable.
For the ones who have found theirs, we know are days we can’t even find our euphoria, in what usually brings it on so easily. Don’t beat yourself up on those days, it will return.
For those of you who haven’t found it, keep smiling into everything you do, lean into what you love and enjoy. The insane feeling of what could be likened to runners high, absolutely does not have to be found in exercise! For some it’s on the side of a fishing lake or at the end of a day’s journal.
Find it. Feel it. Love it.