Could you tell me a time you felt anxious?
The ocean has this magical way of mirroring what you are feeling back at you. For example the open horizon can make people feel different. Some people are terrified of its infiniteness, others find peace and perspective in it. Only recently being in London for this second lockdown have I fully come to realise how much the ocean means to me. I dream every day of what It feels, smells, and looks like. It balances, energises and inspires me. I was going to say it restores me, but there’s something about the movement of the water and the openness of it that is equally grounding and energising. And I say it inspires me because it’s inspired us to tell these stories. It’s led us to the other side of the world to tell stories! And being slapped in the face by a cold wintery Atlantic wave, has to be one of the best feelings in the world!!!